Prosody Modules

This is a list of Prosody modules, both core (distributed with Prosody) and third-party.

Core modules

⚠️ This list does not include modules for authentication or data storage.

Name Description Specs Notes First version
account_activity Record an account’s last activity timestamp 13.0
adhoc Provides protocol support for adhoc commands XEP-0050 Automatically loaded by other modules when needed 0.8
admin_adhoc Service Administration XEP-0133 0.8
admin_shell Provides commands and logic for admin console 0.12
admin_socket Access admin console via UNIX socket Replaces mod_admin_telnet 0.12
admin_telnet Telnet admin console Previously mod_console 0.2
announce Broadcast message to online users Supported by Psi, Gajim and other clients 0.5
blocklist Block list XEP-0191 0.10
bookmarks Converts between old and new ways to store chat room bookmarks XEP-0402, XEP-0411 0.12
bosh BOSH (XMPP over HTTP) support for Prosody XEP-0124, XEP-0206 0.3
c2s Handles normal XMPP client connections RFC 6120 Loaded by default 0.9
carbons Carbons XEP-0280 0.10
cloud_notify Cloud push notifications XEP-0357 13.0
component Support for external components XEP-0114 0.4
compression Support for stream compression on C2S and S2S links XEP-0138 S2S is supported since 0.7. Deprecated in 0.10 0.6
cron Coordinates periodic tasks for other modules 0.12
csi Allows clients to report their active/inactive state XEP-0352 0.11
csi_simple Simple mobile optimizations to go with mod_csi XEP-0286 0.11
debug_sql Activates extra verbose debug logging for SQL queries 0.10
dialback Dialback support for server-to-server identity verification XEP-0220 0.1
disco Service Discovery support XEP-0030 0.1
external_services Discovery and generation of external services XEP-0215 0.12
flags View and manage flags on user accounts via shell/API 13.0
groups Groups (‘shared roster’) support 0.5
http Allow Prosody modules to expose various services over HTTP RFC 2616 Automatically loaded by other modules when needed 0.9
http_altconnect Enable discovery of BOSH and WebSocket endpoints XEP-0156 13.0
http_errors Serve HTTP error pages Automatically loaded by mod_http 0.9
http_files Serve static files over HTTP (does not allow uploads) RFC 2616 Was called mod_httpserver until 0.8 0.3
http_file_share Let users share files via HTTP XEP-0363 0.12
http_openmetrics Expose statistics in OpenMetrics format OpenMetrics 0.12
invites Invite creation and management 0.12
invites_adhoc Invite creation XEP-0401 version 0.3.0 0.12
invites_register Invite based registration XEP-0401 version 0.3.0 0.12
iq Core XMPP functionality RFC 6120 0.1
lastactivity Support querying for user idle times XEP-0012 0.5
legacyauth Legacy (non-SASL) authentication XEP-0078 Required by some old clients 0.1
limits Connection-level rate limiting 0.10
mam Message archiving XEP-0313 0.10
message Message handling RFC 6121 0.1
mimicking Prevents username spoofing UTS #39 0.12
motd Send a MOTD to users on login 0.7
muc Multi-User Chat support XEP-0045 0.3
muc_mam Message archiving for Multi-User Chat XEP-0313 0.11
muc_unique Provides a random MUC name XEP-0307 0.11
net_multiplex Allows serving multiple protocols on the same port 0.9
offline Offline message storage and delayed delivery support XEP-0160 XEP-0091 0.8
pep Lets users broadcast various information to interested contacts XEP-0163 Replaced previous mod_pep 0.11
pep_simple Same as mod_pep but simpler and fewer features XEP-0163 Older version of mod_pep from 0.10 0.5
ping XMPP Ping reply support XEP-0199 0.1
posix Support for POSIX-only system features POSIX Required for daemonizing, syslog logging 0.3
presence User presence notification RFC 6121 0.1
privacy Privacy lists XEP-0016 Deprecated in 0.10 0.7
private Private XML storage for clients XEP-0049 0.3
proxy65 File transfer proxy XEP-0065 0.7
pubsub Publish-Subscribe component XEP-0060 0.9
register In-band registration and password change XEP-0077 Split into 3 modules in 0.11 0.1
register_ibr In-band registration XEP-0077 Previously part of mod_register 0.11
register_limits Enforces limits on account registration Previously part of mod_register 0.11
roster Manage and store client rosters RFC 6121 0.1
server_info Manages the serverinfo disco extension form XEP-0128 Previously handled by mod_server_contact_info 13.0
s2s_auth_certs Handles certificate authentication for s2s connections. RFC 6120 Loaded by default, was part of mod_s2s before 0.10
s2s_auth_dane_in Validates incoming s2s-connections with DANE. RFC 6698 Outgoing s2s-connections handled by network stack. 13.0
s2s_bidi Bidirectional Server-to-Server Connections XEP-0288 0.12
s2s Handles server-to-server connections. RFC 6120 0.9
saslauth Authentication using SASL RFC 6120 0.1
scansion_record Records stanzas in format suitable for creating test cases 0.11
server_contact_info Lets you advertise contact addresses XEP-0157 0.10
smacks Provides reliability and session resumption XEP-0198 0.12
stanza_debug Extra verbose logging of XML stanzas. 0.10
time Reply to “What time is it?” requests XEP-0090 0.2
tls Support for SSL/TLS encryption RFC 6120 0.1
tokenauth Token based login support module 0.12
tombstones Prevent registration and impersonation of deleted accounts 0.12
turn_external Provides TURN credentials for Audio/Video XEP-0215 Uses mod_external_services behind the scenes 0.12
unknown Loaded when platform is not Windows or POSIX Does nothing 0.10
uptime Reply to uptime requests XEP-0012 0.1
user_account_management Support for password change XEP-0077 Previously part of mod_register 0.11
vcard4 Access to modern vcard format stored in PEP XEP-0292 v0.11 Provides a deprecated part of XEP-0292 0.11
vcard Legacy vCard storage for user profiles XEP-0054 0.2
vcard_legacy Compatibility between new and old methods for avatars and vcards XEP-0398 0.11
version Reply to software version requests XEP-0092 0.1
watchregistrations Notify a list of JIDs on new registrations 0.4
websocket Supports for XMPP connections over Websockets RFC 7395 0.10
welcome Sends a welcome message to new users 0.4
windows Place holder for Windows platform support Does nothing 0.10
xmlrpc Support for controlling Prosody via XML-RPC Deprecated in 0.7 0.4

Non-core modules

Unofficial modules or modules not supplied with Prosody as standard are available in the prosody-modules project. Also see instructions for installing modules.