Developer Documentation
Welcome to the prime page for developer documentation on Prosody.
To get started with writing a module, begin with our introduction to developing Prosody modules. And have a look at the Module API.
Also useful to you, whether writing a module or working on core Prosody code, will be our Utility APIs.
We also have documentation on the various common data structures that Prosody uses internally.
If after reading this you are still clueless, or can’t find what you were looking for, you are strongly encouraged to contact us! We also welcome anyone wanting to contribute to the project itself or the documentation.
Project layout
Most of the code resides in a few different directories.
- Main executable
- Management tool
- Core logic
- Network and socket handling
- Utilities
- More utilities, but implemented in C
- Almost all functionality is in plugins
- Tools for migrating data
- Tests using the Busted framework
The Core is a set of modules providing core functionality for the server.
- core.certmanager
- Manages TLS configuration, certificates etc.
- core.configmanager
- Handles reading, parsing and accessing the configuration.
- core.hostmanager
- Manages initialization of virtual hosts.
- core.loggingmanager
- Deals with setting up log output.
- core.moduleapi
- Implements the Module API.
- core.modulemanager
- Handles loading, un- and reloading of plugins.
- core.portmanager
- Handles setting up TCP port listeners
- core.rostermanager
- API for managing users contact lists.
- core.s2smanager
- Manages server-to-server connections.
- core.sessionmanager
- Managing user sessions.
- core.stanza_router
- Routes stanzas to the right host and fires the correct events.
- core.statsmanager
- Statistics collection and reporting API.
- core.storagemanager
- Manages on-demand loading of storage plugins and the storage API.
- core.usermanager
- Core API for user account management
Network and socket handling
- net.adns
- asynchronous DNS resolution
- API for outgoing connections
- net.dns
- stub DNS resolver
- net.http
- HTTP client library
- HTTP status code registry
- net.http.files
- Serve static files from HTTP
- net.http.parser
- HTTP stream parser
- net.http.server
- HTTP server
- net.resolvers
- Implementations of connection strategies
- net.server
- Socket handling
- net.websocket
- WebSocket client library
- net.websocket.frames
- WebSocket wire protocol library
Utility APIs
These modules are designed to provide a unified API for both core and module developers. They help with common tasks, and provide useful data structures.
- util.adhoc
- Convenience library for writing Ad-hoc commands
- util.adminstream
- Module to manage a local unix domain socket for admin functionality
- util.argparse
- Parse command line arguments
- util.array
- Convenience methods for working with Lua tables as arrays
- util.async
- Library to provide support around coroutine-based non-blocking functions
- util.bit53
- Compatibility module for bitwise operations (Lua 5.3+)
- util.bitcompat
- Compatibility module for bitwise operations
- util.cache
- Ordered key-value least recently used pairs
- util.caps
- Utility for calculating XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities hashes
- util.compat
Provides a consistent version of the Lua
function - util.crand
- Binding to native platform RNG
- util.crypto
- Various cryptography functions
- util.dataforms
- Utility for handling XEP-0004: Data Forms
- util.datamanager
- Allows persistent storage and retrieval of data
- util.datamapper
- Transform data to and from XML using a schema
- util.datetime
- Retrieve the current or specified time in various XMPP formats
- util.dbuffer
- Dynamic string buffer library
- util.debug
- A verbose debug library
- util.dependencies
- Utility containing Prosodys dependencies
- util.dns
- Library for decoding DNS records
- util.dnsregistry
- Registry of DNS parameters
- util.encodings
- Encode/decode data using algorithms such as base64, IDNA, stringprep
- util.envload
- Lua version agnostic library for loading code into an environment
- util.error
- Library implementing an error or exception object.
- Library to abstract the firing and handling of named events
- util.filters
- Describe me
- util.format
- More liberal string formatting
- util.fsm
- Utility library for finite state machines
- util.gc
- Module for configuring the Lua garbage collector
- util.hashes
- Calculate hashes of input data using MD5, SHA1, SHA256, etc.
- util.hashring
- Hashring library
- util.helpers
- Library to aid with debugging, etc.
- util.hex
- Base 16 / hexadecimal encoding and decoding
- util.hmac
- HMAC functions compat library1
- util.http
- Common functions for dealing with HTTP requests
- Human interface library
- util.human.units
- Human-friendly unit formatting
- Generates compact strings suitable for use as identifiers
- util.import
and unpacking - util.indexedbheap
- A priority queue implementation with a reverse index with no per-entry memory allocation.
- util.interpolation
- A string templating engine
- util.ip
- Deal with IP address
- util.iterators
- Iterator library
- util.jid
- Common functions for splitting and prepping JIDs
- util.json
- A JSON library
- util.jsonpointer
- JSON Pointer resolver
- util.jsonschema
- JSON Schema validator
- util.jwt
- JSON Web Token library
- util.logger
- An interface to Prosody’s logging system
- util.mathcompat
Polyfill for the Lua
function - util.mercurial
- Small library for identifying Mercurial repositories
- util.multitable
- A multitable is a handy tree-like data structure, a table allowing multiple keys
- Deals with IP addresses and their representations
- util.openmetrics
- Library for OpenMetrics-compatible metrics in Prosody
- util.openssl
- A library for dealing with OpenSSL and certificate configuration
- util.paseto
- PASETO implementation
- util.paths
- File system path handling
- util.pluginloader
- Library responsible for locating and loading Prosody plugins
- util.poll
- library for watching file descriptors
- util.pposix
- A POSIX library
- util.presence
- Presence priority calculation library
- util.promise
- ES6-like API for promises
- util.prosodyctl
Support functions for the
tool - util.pubsub
- Abstract Publish-Subscribe library
- util.queue
- A library for first-in, first-out queues
- util.random
- Produce pseudorandom byte strings
- util.roles
- Implements roles
- util.rfc6724
- Library for doing address selection per RFC6724 deprecated
- util.ringbuffer
- A ringbuffer for binary data
- util.rsm
- XEP-0059: Result Set Management library
- util.sasl_cyrus
- SASL logic used by mod_auth_cyrus
- util.sasl
- Abstract SASL middleware library
- util.serialization
- Convert objects into a format suitable to save to disk or send across the network
- util.session
- Common session methods
- util.set
- A Set library
- util.signal
- Send and handle process signals (SIGKILL etc)
- util.sql
- SQL abstraction library
- util.sqlite3
- SQLite3 abstraction library
- util.sslconfig
- Abstraction over LuaSec SSL context configuration
- util.stanza
- Create and manipulate stanzas and other XML objects
- util.startup
- Prosodys startup logic
- util.smqueue
- A library for first-in, first-out queues meant for XEP-0198
- util.statistics
- Provider for in-memory buffered metrics
- util.statsd
- Provider for pushing metrics to a statsd server
- util.strbitop
- Perform bit-wise operations on strings
- util.struct
- Struct packing compatibility
- util.table
- Small library to complement Luas built-in table module
- util.template
- XML stanza template library
- util.termcolours
- Library for producing ANSI colour codes
- util.throttle
- Token bucket implementation
- util.time
- Low-level time functions
- util.timer
- Set callbacks to be called after a specified delay
- util.uuid
- Generate unique string identifiers
- util.vcard
- Abstract vCard library
- util.watchdog
- Watchdog timer library
- Windows OS support functions
- util.x509
- Functions for X.509 certificate identity matching
- util.xml
- Simple XML parsing library
- util.xmppstream
- Streaming XML parsing library
- util.xpcall
- Compat library providing protected Lua function calls with error handler
- util.xtemplate
- Another template language for mapping stanzas to text or HTML.
Specific Modules
These are prosody modules that have an API that can be used from other modules, or manage data in a format that needs documentation.
- Ad-Hoc Commands
- Provides functionality to easily add new Ad-Hoc commands
- mod_storage_sql developer notes
- Describes the used SQL format
- Developing a HTTP-capable module for Prosody
- Network services
- Opening ports from modules
- Telnet console
- Extending the telnet console with new commands
Common data structures
Actually provided by