Obtaining the source

Prosody is open-source, under the MIT license. This means that the source code is freely available to download and use however you wish. You may modify the source code, and link it with closed-source applications. That said, we politely request that you do consider sending code improvements to us at the developer mailing list.

The full terms of the license are available here.

Downloading a release tarball

The latest release, along with OpenPGP signatures and older release archives can be found under Downloads → Source.

Latest release
prosody-13.0.0.tar.gz signature

Downloading a snapshot (tarball)

The current development source can always be downloaded from here.

The current and past releases are available in our downloads section.

Browsing the source

The source repositories of all our active branches is available to browse at hg.prosody.im.

RSS and Atom feeds are available. An XMPP feed is available on request (you may see it in action in our chatroom).

Checking out with Mercurial

If you want to help out with development, or simply want an easy way to keep up to date with the latest source, we strongly recommend you use Mercurial, which is available on most Linux distributions. On Windows we recommend TortoiseHg.

After installing you need to "clone" our repository, which creates a copy on your system under a folder named "prosody-hg":

 hg clone https://hg.prosody.im/trunk prosody-hg

Subsequent updates can be downloaded simply by running:

 hg pull -u

inside the "prosody-hg" folder.

Prosody on GitHub

A Git mirror of the Prosody repository is also available on GitHub, courtesy of bjc who synchronizes it with the main Prosody repository periodically.

Web: https://github.com/bjc/prosody

⚠️ Note: This is an unofficial mirror, not our primary repository. Please do not send Github pull requests or use the Github issue tracker to report Prosody issues. To contribute or report issues, there are numerous ways to contact us.

Building and installation

For full instructions on how to get things running see Installing from source.