Writing your own commands

This page shows how to add commands to Prosody’s built-in console.

This method of adding commands is deprecated since Prosody 13.0. It can still be used (for now) if you need to remain compatible with Prosody 0.12, but newer modules should refer to the new shell command documentation instead.

An example module that adds a command to the telnet console:

local env = module:shared("/*/admin_telnet/env");
env.mycommands = {} -- a table to keep your commands in
function env.mycommands:hello()
  return "Hello, World!";

With this saved in a mod_my_telnet_command.lua and loaded you should be able to call this command like so:

| OK: Hello, World!

It is also possible to output additional data and indicate success or failure:

function env.mycommands:sayhi(name)
  if name then
    self.session.print("Hi, " .. name);
    return true, "Said hi"; -- Boolean true for success, and a status
    return false, "You didn't tell me your name :("