Multi-user chat (MUC) is Prosody’s module for allowing you to create hosted chatrooms/conferences for XMPP users.
General information on setting up and using MUC chatrooms can be found in our ‘Chatrooms’ documentation, which you should read if you are new to XMPP chatrooms.
mod_muc implements XEP-0045, which is
supported by most XMPP clients to some degree. Rooms are identified by
their address, which will be along the lines of
"" "muc" Component
Replace ‘’ with the address you want to use for the MUC service. It must be different to any other host/server on Prosody, and is usually a subdomain of a normal host. Using ‘conference’ is a common convention, but is completely up to you.
Here follows all configuration options. Examples show the default values that are used if the option is not present in the config file.
Note that each room has its own configuration which can be configured by room owners using supporting clients.
Service name
= "Prosody Chatrooms" name
The name to return in service discovery responses for the MUC service itself.
Room creation restrictions
= false restrict_room_creation
If true will only allow admins to create new chatrooms otherwise anyone can create a room.
- The default. No restrictions, anyone can create rooms.
- Restricts room creation to service administrators only.
- Restricts room creation to users on the service’s parent domain. E.g. can create rooms on
Admin privileges
Prosody can be configured so that admins
are automatically given ownership of any room they enter, and any
attempt at changing the affiliation of an admin to anything other than
room owner is denied. This behavior can be enabled with the
= true component_admins_as_room_owners
This was the default behaviour in Prosody versions before 13.0. However it introduces compatibility issues with some clients, and is generally discouraged.
= 20 max_history_messages
The setting max_history_messages
specifies a limit on
what each room can be configured to keep. This does not directly affect
how many messages are send when a client joins a room. Each room carries
its own setting for how much recent history to keep, which defaults to
. Clients can specify how much history they wish to
receive, which is taken into account when deciding how much of available
history to send.
= true
muc_room_locking = 300 -- 5 minutes muc_room_lock_timeout
Room locking is enabled by default, which means that a room must be configured before it can be used. Locked rooms are invisible and cannot be entered by anyone but the creator. If the room has not been configured after the timeout, it is either destroyed or unlocked.
Setting this setting to false
might break some clients
which expect to be able to “create” the room. It also introduces a race
condition where other users might enter a room expected to be private
before it is configured so.
When a room is destroyed, it leaves behind a tombstone which prevents the room being entered or recreated. It also allows anyone who was not in the room at the time it was destroyed to learn about it, and to update their bookmarks. Tombstones prevents the case where someone could recreate a previously semi-anonymous room in order to learn the real JIDs of those who often join there.
There are two related settings:
= true muc_tombstones
Setting this to false
disables the tombstone
= 86400 * 31 muc_tombstone_expiry
This settings controls how long a tombstone is considered valid. It defaults to 31 days. After this time, the room in question can be created again.
Room pictures/avatars
Since Prosody 13.0, mod_muc automatically loads mod_vcard to handle setting and storing of room avatars by the room owners. Note that this is specifically about associating a picture with the room itself, not participants.
You can disable this integration with:
= false muc_vcard
Room configuration defaults
Prosody supports these settings that influence the defaults for newly created rooms.
= true
muc_room_default_public = false
muc_room_default_persistent = false
muc_room_default_members_only = false
muc_room_default_moderated = false
muc_room_default_public_jids = false
muc_room_default_change_subject = 20
muc_room_default_history_length = "en" muc_room_default_language
Limit on number of rooms in-memory
Prosody keeps recently active rooms cached in memory for faster access. The size of this cache defaults to 100 rooms and can be configured like this:
= 100 -- the default muc_room_cache_size
When a room is pushed out of this cache by other more recently active rooms, its complete state is serialized to storage and removed from memory.
Public servers may want to monitor and possibly increase this setting if rooms are moved in and out of memory very often.
Hard room count limit
The behavior of writing inactive rooms out to storage can be disabled by setting a hard limit on number of rooms to keep in memory:
= 100 -- no default muc_max_rooms
Any attempt to create a new room or retrieve one that has been written out to storage that takes the number of rooms currently in memory over this limit will fail.
Enforcing reserved nicknames
This option will automatically change the nickname of a joining user to their reserved nickname. If enabled, users are not allowed to change their nickname to anything else than their reserved nickname.
For this option to take effect it might be necessary to kick users who have previously joined the MUC, even after restarting the server.
= false -- the default enforce_registered_nickname
"" "muc"
Component = "The chatrooms server"
name = true restrict_room_creation
See also
- Provides randomized MUC room names to clients.
- Room archiving