#1068 Internationalization and Localization

Reporter Daniel
Owner Zash
Stars ★ (1)
  • Priority-Medium
  • Status-Duplicate
  • Type-Enhancement
  1. Daniel on

    Description of feature: Internationalization and localization of human-readable server responses. Motivation: (Why?) To my knowledge, Prosody does not provide localized text strings for human-readable text in server responses. I noticed this while configuring a group chat with Gajim (which sets xml:lang attribute on opening XML stream). Prosody sends the configuration form in English, regardless of xml:lang attribute. See: https://hg.prosody.im/0.10/file/tip/plugins/muc/muc.lib.lua#l631

  2. Zash on

    This is a duplicate of #293

    • owner Zash
    • tags Status-Duplicate

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