Data storage

Prosody's current data storage is plain and simple. Data is stored in files in a data storage directory, organised into files and folders.

Default data paths

The data path for the current installation can be found out via prosodyctl about (might need to use sudo).

With most GNU/Linux packages, the base data directory will be at `/var/lib/prosody`.

Permissions are by default set so that only Prosody can read the files in that area.

Backing up and restoring

Backups can be made quite simply using tar to create a compressed archive:

 tar czf prosody_data_backup.tar.gz /var/lib/prosody

You can extract the contents of the archive using:

 tar xzf prosody_data_backup.tar.gz

… and then move the folder into place.

Tip: You can also use the Prosody Migrator tool to import/export user data between Prosody data stores.