Community and discussion channels

We love hearing from our users, here is a list of places you can get in touch, whether you need help with something or just want to say thanks!


You can join us in our discussion at, which you can join with your Jabber client if you have one. See you there!

💬 Join Prosody chatroom

Also, hang around if we don't answer you instantly, sometimes we are so busy working away on Prosody that we only look into the room every so often. 😎

Mailing lists

We have two discussion lists, one for users and one for developers. It is permissible to subscribe to one (or even both!) of these lists, should you so wish.

Both lists are currently hosted on Google Groups. You don't need a Google account to subscribe, simply click the respective Subscribe button below.

Note: Your first post to the mailing list may not appear instantly - to prevent spam we approve your initial message manually. We aim to do this within 24 hours, though most messages are approved very quickly.


Mailing list for general discussions and support questions.

Subscribe to prosody-users View group


Mailing list for Prosody development and patch review.

Subscribe to prosody-dev View group


We also have a list reserved for announcements from the Prosody team (e.g. announcements of new releases). This list is low traffic and read-only.

Note that our other mailing lists also receive announcements, so there is no need to subscribe to this one if you are already on any of our other lists.

Subscribe to prosody-announce View group

You can also subscribe by sending an email to .

Contact us

If you would like to contact the Prosody team directly, you may email us at .