#820 mod_register_redirect not working with prosody-trunk

Reporter kriztan
Owner Nobody
Stars ★ (1)
  • Priority-Medium
  • Status-Fixed
  • Type-Defect
  1. kriztan on

    What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. try to load mod_register_redirect 2. it fails with error What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Jan 25 08:00:03 modulemanager error Error initializing module 'register_redirect' on 'host': .../lib/modules/mod_register_redirect/mod_register_redirect.lua:15: attempt to index local 'cman' (a nil value) stack traceback: .../lib/prosody/core/modulemanager.lua:31: in function <.../lib/prosody/core/modulemanager.lua:31> .../lib/modules/mod_register_redirect/mod_register_redirect.lua:15: in main chunk (tail call): ? [C]: in function 'xpcall' .../lib/prosody/core/modulemanager.lua:31: in function 'pcall' .../lib/prosody/core/modulemanager.lua:176: in function 'do_load_module' .../lib/prosody/core/modulemanager.lua:254: in function 'load' ..../lib/prosody/modules/mod_admin_adhoc.lua:499: in function <..../lib/prosody/modules/mod_admin_adhoc.lua:492> (tail call): ? ..../lib/prosody/modules/adhoc/adhoc.lib.lua:36: in function 'adhoc_handle_cmd' ..../lib/prosody/modules/adhoc/mod_adhoc.lua:91: in function '?' .../lib/prosody/util/events.lua:78: in function <.../lib/prosody/util/events.lua:74> (tail call): ? (tail call): ? .../lib/prosody/modules/mod_iq.lua:70: in function '?' .../lib/prosody/util/events.lua:78: in function <.../lib/prosody/util/events.lua:74> (tail call): ? .../lib/prosody/core/stanza_router.lua:187: in function 'core_post_stanza' .../lib/prosody/core/stanza_router.lua:135: in function 'dispatch_stanza' .../lib/prosody/modules/mod_bosh.lua:322: in function 'func' /lib/prosody/util/async.lua:90: in function </lib/prosody/util/async.lua:88> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? I'm using prosody-trunk build 731 from 2016-12-16 on Cent OS.

  2. imo on

    I ran into this problem with prosody 0.10 too today. I simply changed the line 9 from: local cman = configmanager to: local cman = require "core.configmanager" Unfortunately I don't know how and where I can push this change...

  3. dittler on

    I committed the patch. thanks for reporting and checking out the solution. http://hg.prosody.im:443/prosody-modules/rev/ba999840f318

  4. Zash on

    Thanks for fixing.

    • tags Status-Fixed

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