#718 mod_http_upload: Keep a mapping from the uploader JID to the UUID of the path

Reporter Link Mauve
Owner Zash
Stars ★★★ (4)
  • Status-Fixed
  • Priority-Medium
  • Type-Enhancement
  1. Link Mauve on

    Description of feature: In order to remove users properly and wipe all of their data, or even for logging/audit purpose, it would be useful to keep a list of every file uploaded by a user, per JID.

  2. Ge0rG on

    That, and implement per-user quotas! \o/

  3. Zash on

    How about this: https://hg.prosody.im/prosody-modules/rev/595d6a25bd7a

    • owner Zash
  4. Dennis Schridde on

    Nice! :)

  5. Zash on

    • tags Status-Fixed

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